Pakistan Freelance Market fastest growing in Asia, 4th in World

Pakistan was ranked as the fourth-fastest growing freelance market in the second quarter of 2018, which saw a 47 percent rise in freelancers’ earnings compared to the same timeframe in the year prior. Payoneer’s network includes more than 700,000 freelancers. The report was based on a sample of freelancers.

The World is evolving into one big village, as the number of employees for businesses worldwide is growing. In addition to its expanding global reach, the more broad job market is transferring quickly into Asia, and the region’s people are skilled and educated earlier.

growing pakistan economy

Pakistan Freelance Market in 4th Position in Asia

Pakistan was named among the top markets for freelance work according to Forbes‘ Global Gig Economy Index which included countries from the region like India, Bangladesh, and Russia.

According to the study, the survey United States had the highest growth rate, averaging around 78 percent.

The United Kingdom followed it at 59 percent, Brazil at 48 percent, Pakistan at 47 percent, Ukraine at 36 percent, India at 29 percent, Bangladesh at 27 percent, Russia at 20 percent, and Serbia at 19 percent.

A large portion of freelancers in the developing World, According to the survey, are young people trying to get into the workforce. Pakistan is a great illustration, with plenty of freelancers younger than 30.

Payoneer’s general manager, Eyal Moldovan, told Payoneer’s general manager, “In Pakistan, there is a younger generation seeking more opportunities.”

According to the Payoneer data, the 35-44 age group is the most profitable freelance work in the World.

Pakistan's Freelancer work

Even though this type of freelancer accounts for 23 percent of freelancers, this category produces 32% of all income.

Based on the findings, the youngest segment of freelancers, namely those between 18 and 34, comprised 64 percent of all freelancers but only made 53% of their total earnings.

The study found that freelancers between 45 and 54 years old made up 9 percent of all freelancers. They made 9.4 percent of the total earnings. Those aged 55 and over comprised 5 percent of all freelancers. They earned 4.9 percent of the total earnings.

“In the past, most of the work from developed to underdeveloped countries was outsourced by the United States and the United Kingdom,”.

Moldovan says

“Asia is getting more attention in the present. As a result, many Asian countries have outsourced their work to other Asian nations.

In the buying of services and goods, there is a shift in the power of nations.

Boosting Pakistan Economy?

Pakistan's Economy Boosting  in 2022

The economy of Pakistan is in decline and needs much hard work to be competitive with international markets. But, unfortunately, there aren’t many employment opportunities, so many prefer to work for themselves.

It’s fascinating that over a third of all freelancers in Pakistan are younger than 30 years old since the local business market is not developed and does not offer many opportunities.

Therefore, freelancers working in the freelance industry explore a variety of career options and take on the positions that match their needs the most.

What is the most Suitable Fields in the Freelance Market?

There isn’t a specific category that freelancers excel in. No matter what skills or education level are, they can use it if the skill can be utilized in the desired field. Because of this, numerous modern language schools provide a wide range of classes. When registering for these courses, you can acquire the skills they desire and begin their profession.

Graphic Designing Course

This course will equip you with imaginative and presenting graphic arts skills and knowledge. Graphic designers are essential for modern businesses to communicate their message to the intended public in a way that is appealing to the target.

Web Development course

Web development skills allow you to develop simple or complex websites that assist in helping to bring leads to you and convert them to customers.

SEO/Digital Marketing Course

Attracting potential customers is possible only through an innovative and distinctive SEO-optimized strategy for marketing. There are many examples, but they are among the most lucrative freelance jobs.

English Language course

The freelance market needs skilled content writers who can provide services to businesses that help promote their brands. Learning English could be an ideal career option for book lovers and thinkers.

If you’re a person who loves the idea of owning their own business and earning a living, then freelance work is the ideal choice. Everyone is looking to make money and achieve their goals of a good lifestyle and personal development. Young people, or job seekers who feel that they aren’t equipped to bring their dreams to fruition.

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