7 Ways to quick start your brain like a genius

A lot of people are trying to find that fountain of youth. I’ve spent my time trying to find the perfect routine. Technology has allowed the color-coded calendars on paper an upgrade to cloud-based scheduling applications, but the practice continues to escape me. Every day is a brand new day, and it’s just as unpredictable as riding on a bull in a rodeo, and it can happen as fast.

However, as I have studied the routines of artists and writers and composers and scientists and philosophers, I’ve been convinced that practices are more than just a privilege. It is the most important thing in your job. When you’ve established a routine, it creates an organized and well-worn routine to boost your mental energy and avoid the influence of moods.

After observing several common elements in the lives of some of the healthier geniuses, the following are the few that allow you to pursue the luxury of a productivity-enhancing routine:

1- Decorating the bed you sleep in:

The most effective habit starts right after you wake up, i.e., getting your bed ready. Having a good bed helps you learn how to manage all other things well. That’s why it’s the most important thing to do for the military. It will teach you that you can return to your success at the end of the day once you begin with a positive move.

2- Pay attention to breathing:

It is crucial to take a moment to meditate after you have put your feet on the floor. It is important to sit down for between 15 and 20 minutes to help unwind your mind to prepare for the day.

3- Exercise:


To get your body ready for work ahead, you should do exercises when you wake up. Engaging in vigorous moves, like jumping jacks, crunches, or other activities, will get you up and moving and ready for your daily routine.

4- Have breakfast:

This is when your brain and body require energy to perform the tasks throughout the day. Therefore, have a nutritious breakfast and drink tea that boosts your brain’s activity and improves your concentration all day. Many people don’t view tea seriously; however, the proper tea can make you feel better and refreshed.

5- Create a to-do list:

to do list

When you begin the day, write down your to-do list so you’ve got all the tasks to complete within a day. Do not create a lengthy list of jobs that are impossible to achieve; instead, make a list of three or four tasks you can quickly complete.

6- Begin by completing the most challenging task:

Suppose you’re ready to start your work and first take on the most difficult one. When you are at the beginning of the day, you’re filled with energy, and your mind is more relaxed to take on the most challenging problems to be dealt with.

7- Take control of for the initial hour of your workday:

initial hour of your workday

The beginning of your day will affect the course of your day. If you pay attention to the first hour, you will be able to begin your day positively and finish most of the tasks on your to-do list.

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