Here’s the Reason Steve Job and Bill Gates have made their Children Tech Free

Children who spend a lot of time on screens are a terrible idea. However, despite all the warnings about the negative effects, parents allow their children to spend so many hours on their phones or electronic gadgets.

According to research, the risk of depression among children rises to 27% if they are on social media regularly.

Children who are on their phones for at least 3 hours every day have a higher chance turn desperate. It is mostly due to parents’ inexperience with raising their children in the age of technology. Two of the most prominent tech-related figures of recent times, i.e., Bill Gates and Steve Jobs and their children in a non-tech environment in which the power of digital technology didn’t create a culture of addiction for their children.

In the words of Bill Gates, Bill Gates didn’t permit his children to use cellphones until they reached the stage of 14. and put a screencap on the screen after his daughter showed an unhealthy love for playing video games.

Steve Jobs, who remained the chief executive officer for Apple until his passing in 2012, admitted that he restricted his children’s time using the computer at home. Job resisted his children using iPads at schools, despite the modern school system requiring students to learn by using screens, not books.

As you look at these techno leaders’ low-tech world for their children, it’s possible to envision that the people living in Silicon Valley are raising their children away from the power of digital devices.

Gates made a point of using technology to tailor lessons for students to help them succeed in a classroom. Gates was interested in individualized education. To achieve this, Gates celebrated Summit Sierra, located in Seattle. It is a school that takes the individual goals of its students seriously. According to Gates Gates personalization of education may not be the solution for everyone. However, it can be beneficial for young people to maximize their potential.

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